Sunday, August 1, 2010


"Sorry MySpace but, FACEBOOK is the best social network of all time." The question still plagues us all though ...What is too much information for Facebook!? No, No not name, address, and phone number I mean life info. Further more how do you get the guts to post it?

Does everyone that can read your FB news feed need to know that if Darren from 6th st don't stop talking that you got something for him, that your child's mother/father is a deadbeat or my fave that you want to get laid that includes male and female? Now many of you reading this may be guilty of posting these types of stats or even worse but, don't get offended and sensitive I and many others just want to know WHY? I understand wanting to put someone on blast but at what point do you realize that you are blasting yourself too. Somethings are better left unsaid and to KARMA. I digress. 

TMI is not just limited to what you post. Its about what people post and comment to you as well some of these things might include "Sorry you lost your job"...Uhhhh No one needs to know that. Tagging you in pictures when your somewhere and with someone your not supposed to be, worse than the paparazzi. Lastly, and the most annoying constantly overloading the news feed with your every move " just got up", " going to the store" , "Tired", "Just took a nap now what". I mean Come on take that shit to TWITTER!
Facebook in Real life!!!    <<<< CLICK HERE TO WATCH!!

Speaking of shit what is too much cursing and does it depend on who is on your page that you don't want to offend. Now the key word in that last sentence was YOUR PAGE. Whether people like it or not freedom of speech is alive and well. People can do and say what they want on their Facebook page and if you don't like it (statuses, posts, comments, pics etc) then utilize then hide button.

How offended would I be if someone tried to dictate my status update....VERY that's not what I'm trying to do I just want everyone to understand that subtly and subliminal messages goes a long way . You want to prove to that "HATERS" that the haven't gotten to you but they have because it's written all in your statuses. 

Don't cater your facebook page to anyone but you and if people don't like it then tell them to delete you. In my opinion your friends, co-worker, and family members will love you no matter how crazy, nasty, or how many grammar errors you status has!!

Now if you are looking to clean up your facebook act take some of these helpful hints:
  • If you want to talk crap about someone INBOX or PRIVATE CHAT DUH!!
  • Don't post your every move and then post why are all these chicks/dudes stalking me get a life!!
  • Check to see if someones parents are on their page before you post something suspect to their wall just b/c you don't care what your parents think doesn't mean they don't
  • Don't fight or threaten people on facebook because if somthing pops of it will probably hold up in court

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